Monday, March 22, 2010

Destination X Thoughts

Well last night at the Impact Zone Destination X played out. This PPV theme has always been to Showcase Ultimate X. This year there was only one Ultimate X match which I was disappointed about. Overall I'd say it was an ok PPV, not one of TNAs best but not the worst. I am getting tired of the Nitro Endings, but when you have Bischoff, Russo, and Hogan at the helm this is what you can expect. I predicted Nash would turn on Eric Young. Also no RVD, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Mick Foley, or Jeff Hardy last night, here's a question where the hell is Samoa Joe?? The Ladder match in which Kaz won was very good, also GEN Me vs. The MCMG Ultimate X was awesome. Always good when you have 4 ROH guys in the Ring. Magnus vs. Terry was a total Dud match. I am really ling the Angle Anderson feud. SO I give this PPV 2 1/2 stars out of 5.

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