Thursday, March 25, 2010

WWE, TNA, and ROH Week in Review 03/21 - 03/27

Raw Thoughts:

Wrestlemania build up has been excellent!! The Shawn promo at the beginning was great, Him and the Undertaker will be a classic (will have a pre wrestlemania thoughts up Sunday), Bret harts Promo for his match with Vince was very emotional, cant wait to see Orton kick Rhodes and Dibiase's ass Sunday, Randy Orton in the best heel the WWE has. HHH and Sheamus will prob be a dud match, Sunday. Hopefully H really is interested in putting him over. The Cena Batista confrontation was good, it should be an ok match Sunday; Austin and Rock its not going to be but John Cena is the WWE's guy and he does work Hard. SO I liked Raw this week, and Mania should be really good Sunday.

Impact Thoughts:

Was a wild show, The Foley Jarrett match was awesome, Foley lost and so now he must leave TNA, I'm sure he'll be back. The Hernandez Matt Morgan situation. I think the Hernandez injury was RGB (Russo Garbage Booking) He loves the work/shoot stuff. The Main event was awesome RVD and Jeff Hardy vs. Beer Money. RVD and Hardy will make an exciting team in TNA. Impact was pretty good this week.

ROH Thoughts:
There was no ROH on HD net on Monday, should be back next week.

NXT Thoughts:
Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel vs. Skip Sheffield & Wade Barrett
Regal and Jerichos Boys vs. Christian and Matt Hardy's Boys, I am really impressed with Heath Slater very fast and quick, I also really like Skip Sheffield hes got a good ring presence and look. Hes going to make a good heel. The other two I am not very impressed with.
David Otunga & Darren Young vs. Michael Tarver and Daniel Bryan
I love how CM Punk wants nothing to do with Darren Young, Otunga has allot of Charisma and a good look, Michael Tarver is not anything special. Daniel Bryan is the best Wrestler in the World!! Other than Bryan my fav in the competition is Skip Sheffield, Jericho is going to make him into a good heel IMO.

Smackdown Thoughts:

Will be up Tomorrow

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wrestlemania Moment 3: Undertaker vs. Jimmy Snuka WM 7, The Twin Towers (Big Bossman and Hakeem) vs. The Rockers (Marty Janetty, Shawn Michaels) WM 5

All this week we look back at classic Wrestle mania matches. Undertaker and Shawn Michaels this Sunday should be as good as it was last year, so tonight we are going to look back at Undertakers first Wrestlemania match and HBK's first Wrestlemania Match.

The Undertaker vs. Jimmy "Super fly" Snuka, Wrestlemania 7

The year 1991 the Venue Los Angelas Memorial Sports Arena, Wrestlemania 7. The Undertaker made his debut in November of 90 at Survivor Series as the Million Dollar Man's Mystery man for his team. The Undertaker from that night on seemed invincible destroying opponent after opponent. Being managed first by Brother Love and the Brother Love sold Taker to a Short fat man names Paul Bearer, the Taker drew off the power of the Earn that Bearer possessed. How would the Taker do in his first big time match at Wrestlemania against an experienced veteran like Jimmy "Super Fly" Snuka?? He beat him in 4 minutes totally dominating Snuka. The Taker is now 17-0 but you have to get to 1 first Enjoy!!

Undertaker vs. Jimmy Snuka, Wrestlemania 5

The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers

Before he was the Showstopper he was the Rocker along with his Tag Team Partner Marty Janetty in the late 80's early 90's They were the High Flying partiers The Rockers. Shawn and Marty made there Wrestlemania debut in 1989 in Atlantic City, NJ at the Trump Plaza. The Donald sitting at ringside. The Rockers did battle with the Twin Towers The Big Bossman and Akeem the African Dream along with one jive soul Bro there Manager The Slickster. The Rockers were defeated, The Big men were to much for the Rockers to handle. Enjoy Wrestlemania 5.

The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers Wrestlemania 5

Destination X Thoughts

Well last night at the Impact Zone Destination X played out. This PPV theme has always been to Showcase Ultimate X. This year there was only one Ultimate X match which I was disappointed about. Overall I'd say it was an ok PPV, not one of TNAs best but not the worst. I am getting tired of the Nitro Endings, but when you have Bischoff, Russo, and Hogan at the helm this is what you can expect. I predicted Nash would turn on Eric Young. Also no RVD, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Mick Foley, or Jeff Hardy last night, here's a question where the hell is Samoa Joe?? The Ladder match in which Kaz won was very good, also GEN Me vs. The MCMG Ultimate X was awesome. Always good when you have 4 ROH guys in the Ring. Magnus vs. Terry was a total Dud match. I am really ling the Angle Anderson feud. SO I give this PPV 2 1/2 stars out of 5.